
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Game Day!

Hey guys! So sorry I didn't write yesterday, but I was so super busy!
As I mentioned in a previous post, I am out of town right now because my aunt is sick and my family decided to visit for a couple of days to help out.
My strength, physically and mentally, has definitely been tested. My Mamaw(Grandma) is in a wheelchair, and my aunt's house has like 58462528 stairs to get in, so we have to lift and roll and MacGyver our way in and out of the house(fun stuff). And there is no internet access here other than my phone which barely gets access, therefore I'm bored out of my mind.
Anyways, enough with my ranting!

There are more important things going on today.....

The Bears vs. Packers game!!!!!!

That has been driving me through this trip, that and the amount of napping I've been able to do:)
Anyways, in northern Illinois this game is the pinnacle of all football games. This game is the game of all games. The big kahuna.

And I am SO excited!!!!!!!:) I'll post a picture of my crazy Bears spirit tomorrow so you can all see what a dork I am:)

But you get no fashion while I'm gone because my travel gear is baggy tshirts and comfy shorts. So trendy, right?:P

So party it up while you're watching the game tonight! Tell me all about your plans!! And I hope they are as fun as mine will be:P

Live, Love, and Let it Sparkle,

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